Monthly Archives: May 2017

A Participation Trophy that Matters

Bashing participation trophies has become a time-honored tradition. It allegedly leads to entitlement and hides our kids and future generations from the harsh realities of the real world. Full-disclosure. I am a parent of three children, long-time coach for 15 years in many sports while raising three kids and the thought of participation trophies was [...]

A Participation Trophy that Matters2018-01-10T09:07:57-05:00

Talking Out Of School

Your child may be amongst the smartest or best looking in the room, but can they successfully communicate their ideas and thoughts successfully with confidence and purpose? With teenagers relying on texting and social media as their primary methods to communicate, kids are struggling to be confident and effective face-to-face communicators. Parents typically reinforce self-esteem [...]

Talking Out Of School2018-01-10T09:08:45-05:00