MindsetGo Foundation

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MindsetGo Foundation2018-08-10T17:09:03-04:00

Building the Foundation

The MindsetGo Foundation is a fast growing nonprofit with a mission to work in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations, and schools to help students from all backgrounds develop communication skills and a growth mindset to follow their passions, advocate for themselves, and achieve their full potential. In doing this, we hope to educate and empower parents, teachers, and community members to create an open and safe environment for communication, feel comfortable modeling behaviors like empathy, self-advocacy and accountability and become confident communicators.

Featured Programs:

KIDx (Keep It Different)

In the KIDx program, we teach kids how to overcome their fears and build confidence by giving a presentation with the impact of a TED talk on topics they love. Kids use this opportunity to develop an engaging, inspirational, entertaining


L.E.A.P (Laugh, Experience, Accomplish, Participate) is a Student Empowerment Program that offers kids fun opportunities to be creative, develop their passions, grow leadership skills, and take initiative.