

Empowering Kids to Adapt to Online Learning

Last week, I was in the kitchen doing dishes and was quietly watching my 13-year-old son staring at his computer screen during online learning. What a rare opportunity I thought! I can see if he participates, how he learns, and how his teachers engage their students.   While in earshot, I heard some class participation [...]

Empowering Kids to Adapt to Online Learning2020-04-03T18:05:53-04:00

Sports Coaching Tip of the Week #2

Too often we get complacent with leadership styles because we are human and attach past perceived success to outcomes as opposed to individuals. As athletes/teams progress and develop, individual motivations and goals can change through increased self-awareness. Below are some examples of how to shift from an autocratic coaching style to a democratic one [...]

Sports Coaching Tip of the Week #22020-03-23T12:10:07-04:00

Sports Coaching Tip of the Week #1

Knowledge transfer is a powerful thing. Unfortunately, when you know something so well it can be very hard to teach it and not consciously assume they already know some of what we are saying. Consider the following simple tips when conveying knowledge to your team Have kids in close proximity so they aren’t straining [...]

Sports Coaching Tip of the Week #12020-03-23T12:11:21-04:00

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Maybe you don’t like your teen or tween’s haircut or choice of clothes. If they would just follow your rules, make more of an effort in school, and stop spending so much time on screens etc, everything would be okay, right? Before you step in, look at the big picture. Easier said than done, but [...]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff2019-06-20T13:44:30-04:00

Using Persuasion to Create Behavior Change in Leaders, Employees, or Clients

History and experience show that effective change management is driven by desire.  The most powerful tool you can use for people to embrace change and detach from their emotions is a communications technique called Motivational Interviewing (MI). Once participants understand the support they will get, the outcome and all the benefits from it, it drives [...]

Using Persuasion to Create Behavior Change in Leaders, Employees, or Clients2019-06-10T16:17:59-04:00

Webinar: Leadership Change Management: Helping Employees Adapt to Change

HR Leaders must have a seat at the boardroom table; preparing your organization for the present and future requires HR involvement from day 1. The consequences of mismanaging change are high—not only financially but in productivity, lost  opportunity, wasted resources, and diminished morale. Given the complexity of the changes that companies are confronting today and [...]

Webinar: Leadership Change Management: Helping Employees Adapt to Change2019-07-10T15:03:57-04:00

Webinar: Your Passion Story: Creating buy-in and Strategies to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition

Your Passion Story: Creating buy-in How do you not sound like everyone else at a networking event? What do you have to talk about besides your company and job title? Most people, when tasked with mingling with others at networking events, use the same bland and ineffective way of introduction which reinforces people’s perceptions of [...]

Webinar: Your Passion Story: Creating buy-in and Strategies to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition2019-06-26T18:58:12-04:00

Mastering Communication Channels

This program allows principals to improve and maximize their ability to influence and persuade while becoming a more effective communicator. The main way principals communicate with the community is through weekly update emails. How does a principal "message" their electronic communication? How can these be written to best influence the community? How best to keep [...]

Mastering Communication Channels2019-05-30T14:46:39-04:00

Beyond Engagement

This interactive program redefines classroom dynamics and empowers school faculty with new techniques that harness students’ passions, foster approachability, build trust, and strengthen relationships for higher levels of student engagement. Specific modules include creating a physical environment to engage students, promoting social development and group responsibility, and facilitating learning experiences that promote autonomy, interaction and [...]

Beyond Engagement2019-05-30T14:43:34-04:00